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Return Policy

Return Policy

Under normal circumstances, there will be NO EXCHANGE, RETURN OR REFUND of any items that are purchased, regardless if the products have been picked-up, opened or unopened and so on.

For the purchased items that was verified and agreed by Youbuy Online Sdn Bhd where the faulty or defective items are a result caused by external factors (such as during delivery), these items will be available for exchange for the same item. These items must be hand delivered to Youbuy Online Sdn Bhd pick up and payment centre. The shipping costs of the return shall be borne by the client or the seller on the basis of the agreement of both parties.

Under circumstances where products that are required to be sent back to the supplier (local or overseas) additional handling and service charges may occur. These charges are to be borne by the customer, in the case of such items, are defective as a result due to an error by the customer unless the error is caused by our side / the seller.

Any other cases that qualify for an exchange and return may incur a re-stocking fee.


Important Note:
  • All refund or exchange for any item(s) purchased must be returned to us within 3 working days upon receiving the products ordered (pick-up or delivery). No further dispute will be entertained after 3 working days from the received date.
  • Please note that Youbuy Online Sdn Bhd will not be able to accept returns of PC Games due to system incompatibility of games with your PC System. We highly recommend a thorough search on the game’s manufacturers’ website and/or external Internet resources for more information before purchasing a PC Game.
  • Return and refund policy will be checked from the sellers as well before proceeding for any further action, therefore, do check the seller’s return and refund policy before purchasing.


Supporting Document of Return Refund

1. Damaged product

  • Photo(s) and/or video of the product, showing physical damage (e.g. cracks, defects)
  • Photo(s) and/or video showing condition of the internal and external packaging of the parcel
  • Photo of the Air Waybill (AWB) attached to the parcel


2. Faulty product

  • Photo(s) and/or video of the product, showing it does not work as intended (e.g. an electronic device that does not work despite connecting to power source/battery inserted)


3. Incomplete/missing product

  • Photo(s) and/or video of the parcel received and products it contains
  • Photo of the Air Waybill (AWB) attached to the parcel that shows the content/weight of the parcel you should have received
  • Photo showing all the products received in the parcel on a weighing scale to show actual total weight


4. Wrong product

  • Photo(s) and/or video of the parcel received and products it contains
  • Screenshot(s) of actual product from seller’s listing in Youbeli.com
  • Photo of product being measured using a measuring tool (from one end to the other) if the product’s size is wrong.
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