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  5. Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Order Refund only applicable to the circumstances below:

  • Product Discontinued / Out of Stock
  • Delivery time longer than delivery period mentioned in the product page
  • Product Malfunction / Wrong Product delivered
  • Unless otherwise stated by the seller in writing at store page / product descriptions.


Refund is NOT applicable for:

  • Request after 7 days from the received date
  • Product damage by courier
  • The product being used / tested for more than 7 days
  • Returned due to customer unreachable / not available at the location
  • All virtual tickets, mobile top-up and any other similar type of services
  • Certain items cannot be received, stored, shipped, imported and/or exported due to regulatory, hazard, safety or other reasons. Transactions involving these commodities are strictly prohibited, regardless of origin or destination. In the event that the dispute occurred, the seller and the customer have to take full responsibilities on the return and refund losses.


Refund options will be offered to customers as listed below

Option 1: Product Exchange

  • Exchange with other product(s) listed in Youbeli.com
  • If the value of the new item(s) exceeds the amount of the original item, the difference thereof should be paid by the customer.
  • If the value of the new item is less than the amount of the original item, then the difference thereof will be converted to Youbeli Wallet under customer’s Youbeli.com account.
  • Delivery charges of the new item will be borne by the customer.


Option 2: Convert payment to Youbeli Wallet under customer’s Youbeli account

  • The paid amount will be converted to Youbeli Wallet which can be fully redeemed for future orders.
  • Customer will receive a notification via email whenever the Youbeli Wallet is updated.


Option 3: Full refund to customer

  • For payment that is paid through credit card / e-wallet, the payment will be proceeded for a reversal transfer back to the original payment account, and it will take approximately 7-14 working days to be reflected in your credit card / e-wallet account.
  • For FPX / Online transfer / Bank in / 7 eleven Razer Cash, bank details will be required by Youbuy Online Sdn Bhd for the refund process. It will take approximately 7-14 working days to be reflected in your bank account.


Refund Frame

** Youbuy Online Sdn Bhd will not assume any liability if the bank information given by the customer was incorrect.

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