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Privacy Notice

When you provide us with information through Youbeli.com (website/apps), we respect your privacy. It is important for you to understand what information we collect about you during your visit and what we do with that information.

In order to protect your private information, we have established this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) in accordance with best practices in the industry and applicable laws and regulations. This Policy describes how we handle your personal information for our services on the Youbeli.com website, Apps and its related sites, services, and tools (the “Website”).

Your visit to the Website is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions. Please note that this Privacy Policy governs only information provided to Youbeli.com and communications from Youbeli.com. It does not govern any other information or communications that may reference Youbeli.com, e.g., communications from retailers or brick and mortar stores.


Collection of Personally Identifiable Information by Youbeli.com

We do not collect personally identifiable information about you, except when you provide it to us. To protect your personal information, users registering at the Website must also enter an e-mail address and password. If you would prefer that we not collect any personally identifiable information from you, please do not provide us with any such information. When you submit your personally identifiable information on the Website, you are giving your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

You can browse our site without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. Once you give us your personal information, you are not anonymous to us.

We may collect and store the following personal information:

  • Email address, physical contact information, the date of birth and gender information, and (depending on the service used) sometimes financial information, such as credit card or bank account numbers;
  • Transactional information based on your activities on the Website & Apps
  • Postage, billing and other information you provide to purchase or dispatch an item;
  • The community’s discussions, chats, dispute resolution, correspondence through our Website, Apps, and correspondence sent to us;
  • Other information from your interaction with our Website, Apps, services, content and advertising, including computer and connection information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the Website, Apps, ad data, IP address and standard web log information;
  • The additional information we ask you to submit to authenticate yourself or if we believe you are violating site policies (for example, we may ask you to send us an ID or bill to verify your address, or to answer additional questions online to help verify your identity or ownership of an item you list);
  • Information from other companies, such as demographic and navigation data; and
  • Other supplemental information from third parties (for example, if you incur a debt to Youbeli.com, we will generally conduct a credit check by obtaining additional information about you from a credit bureau, as permitted by law).

All personal data shall be provided by you voluntarily unless where it is indicated as mandatory. Where the personal data is mandatory to be provided, failure to provide such information may result in Youbeli.com not being able to process your request.


Use of Personally Identifiable Information by Youbeli.com

a. Opt-In Communications
If you opt-in during the Website registration process or at other times when you submit personally identifiable information, the information you provide may be used by Youbeli.com to create and deliver to you our newsletters, surveys or other communications containing product information, or promotion. If you prefer not to receive such Opt-In Communications, please do not opt-in to receive these communications. If you do opt-in and later decide that you would no longer like to receive these communications, see section Choice/Opt-Out below.

b. Communications to Serve You.
If you have elected to provide us with your contact information, e.g., by registering at the Website, e-mailing our Customer Support department or placing an order, we may provide you with service related announcements concerning the Website or contact you regarding your customer service requests or your order. For example, all registered users will receive a welcoming e-mail to confirm their registration. These types of communications are necessary to serve you; respond to your concerns and to provide the high level of customer service that Youbeli.com offers its customers.


Non Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information for Third Party Marketing Without Your Consent

We will never provide your personally identifiable information to third parties for their use in marketing their products or services to you unless consent has been given by you in the relevant data collection points. Kindly check the T&C in relevant documents / e-documents prior to giving consent for use of your data collected. Once agreed to, we will take that as the final confirmation that consent has been given by your side officially for use of your data to Youbeli.com and the relevant third parties if any.


Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information

a. Fraud Protection and Compliance with Law
We may disclose any information, including personally identifiable information, we deem necessary, in our sole discretion, to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request. We may also exchange information, including personally identifiable information, with other companies and organizations for credit fraud protection and risk reduction.

b. Service Providers
We may retain other companies and individuals to perform functions consistent with our Privacy Policy on our behalf. Examples include customer support specialists, web hosting companies, fulfilment companies (e.g., companies that fill product orders or coordinate mailings), data analysis firms and e-mail service providers. Such third parties may be provided with access to personally identifiable information needed to perform their functions, but may not use such information for any other purpose.

c. Special Events
If you elect to participate in any promotions, sweepstakes, surveys, questionnaires or other events during your visit to our website, the rules or terms and conditions for those events may indicate that your personally identifiable information will be shared with third parties. By choosing to participate and submitting your personally identifiable information with respect to such events, you consent to the disclosure of your personally identifiable information to such third parties.

d. Business Transfers
As we continue to develop our business, we might sell certain of our assets. In such transactions, user information, including personally identifiable information, generally is one of the transferred business assets, and by submitting your personal information on the Website you agree that your data may be transferred to such parties in these circumstances.


Cookies and IP Addresses

We may place a “cookie” on your computer’s hard drive so we can recognize you as a return user and personalize your experience. A cookie is a piece of data that enables us to track and target your preferences. The cookie will be stored on your computer’s hard drive until you remove it. We may also use temporary or “session” cookies to help you shop. These cookies will expire when you place an order. You can have your browser notify you of, or automatically reject, cookies. If you reject our cookies, you may still use the Website, but you may be limited in the use of some of the features. Some of our business partners may also use cookies on the Website. However, we have no access to, or control over, these cookies and do not accept any responsibility for such use. In addition, we may use IP addresses to analyse trends, administer the Website, track traffic patterns, and gather demographic information for aggregate use, as well as in combination with your personally identifiable information for credit fraud protection and risk reduction.


Pixel Tags and Tracking Technology

When you visit this Website or view one of our e-mails, we may use pixel tags (also called “clear” GIFs), tracking links and/or similar technology to note some of the pages you visit on our Website and personalize your experience. We may also use pixel tags to determine what types of e-mail your browser support. We may use the information collected through pixel tags, tracking links and similar technology in combination with your personally identifiable information.


Use of Aggregate Information

We may use the information you provide in aggregate (non-personally identifiable) form for internal business purposes, such as generating statistics and developing marketing plans. We may collect, store or accumulate certain non-personally identifiable information concerning your use of the Website, such as information regarding which of our pages are most popular. We may share or transfer non-personally identifiable information with or to our affiliates, licensees and partners.


Children under 13

We take special steps to safeguard the privacy of children. If you are under 13 years of age, you may browse our Website. However, you may not provide personal information to us. For example, you cannot register or make a purchase. This Website is not designed for children and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from any children under 13.



The Website may contain links to or from other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. This Privacy Policy applies only to the information we collect on the Website. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of other websites you link to from the Website or otherwise visit.



We implement various security measures in accordance with industry standards to protect the security of your personal information both online and offline. If you have any questions about security at the Website, you can e-mail us.


Notification of Changes

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revised policy here. As we may make changes at any time without notifying you, we suggest that you periodically consult this Privacy Policy. Please note that our rights to use your personally identifiable information will be based on the privacy policy in effect at the time the information is used.


Updating your Information

You have the ability to review, change and/or correct the personally identifiable information you provide us by writing to us online. If you are a registered user, you can also review, change or correct your personal information at any time by login to your account. You may request that we deactivate your account by contacting our Customer Support.



You may opt-out of receiving future Opt-In Communications from Youbeli.com when you login to your account or you may change your preferences at any time by providing your contact information to Customer Support.


Account Deletion/Withdrawing Consent

You may withdraw your consent for the collection, use and/or disclosure and/or request deletion of your personal data/account in our possession or under our control by sending an email to our Customer Support at [email protected] and we will process such requests in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our obligations under the Privacy Laws and other applicable law. However, your withdrawal of consent may mean that we will not be able to continue providing the Services to you and we may need to terminate your existing relationship and/or the contract you have with us.



We have taken great measures to ensure that your visit to the Website is an excellent one and that your privacy is constantly respected. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the Youbeli.com’s privacy practices, please contact our Customer Support by email at [email protected] .


This Privacy Policy was last updated on 20th Oct 2021.

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